"Um... How should I write this time...
And this flashlights isn't working either."
Um thanks to Ojou-Sama, she gave me an idea on what to write this time and this time I would like to talk about one of the games I've been playing for almost 2 years now. The online game is called Astro Empires. Its just a simple Browser game though but its quite interesting as well and its also quite challenging sometimes too. At first when I play, its quite hard for me to go on because of a person from an alliance called [CBG] attack me. It was almost like a competition for some reason since when I build a new kind of ship (or fleet), the person will have a new powerful ones too but that didn't stop me since I kept on trying to improve myself.
After a while, theres one is the first alliance I ever join in and that would be the [GAB] Alliance. It was a bit small guild and it was spread around the galaxy too so that leaves me a bit vulnerable and alone in A14 galaxy. While I was in there I was quite silent and didn't talk that much either. Suddenly there's a conflict between our alliance and some other stronger ones which leads my fleet to be destroy one by one but I was alright with it since I could able to rebuild it again.
After quite sometime the alliance was disbanded because the leader can't take it any longer of the stress. He told us to go and join a new, which also a strong alliance that is call [CSR] Alliance.
This alliance that I've been in has a lot of strong and experiance players inside too. But that didn't really save me from being attack. Soon they went to war with some other alliance called [RAGEX]. Unprotected over at my own region, I was taken off from my place easily which leads me a lost around 1 Million plus of it and leaving only a sum of number of scattered fleet around the galaxy. I was really in a total lost on that moment since there's not even much of helping from the others on that time too. But eventually they called off the war.

"Um... I don't think I want to give up yet. I'll try once more then"
As I stay in the alliance, I was thinking on what would I do on that moment and suddenly a message came in and I wonder who it was since I didn't have much friends in the game. It was an Alliance invitation from an alliance called [A14] and the person who sent it is Assimilator. He tells that the alliance is consist of players in my own region and would able to protect me and the others easily and so I waved goodbye to [CSR] and head into a new place called [A14] and in other words, a place to call home.
Till now the [A14] Alliance is the best ones I ever been in. Friendly, talkative, fun and more that I can't think off. I got a lot of tips on how to deal when it comes to war and raising my economy too. Although I was pushed to get my economy till 2000, but it really did work and I thank Assimilator for that one. Its really nice and I hope I will be staying there no matter what happens. Maybe I'll put another blog about the A14 Alliance soon in the blog so wait for it alright.
This is for now from me so take care.