Yup back home, and since we don't have any maid to help us around, the three of the children ( Which includes me as well ) have to become like a maid. Although I'm not really against it or anything but its quite nice to do some chores around the house sometimes. It takes our mind of some and enjoy the air outside the house once in a while. Hanging the clothes, wash the dishes, water the plants and some other work that we can do at home.
"I'm going to be just fine...Don't worry about it..."

Um and I guess when I come back to my hometown, I would be getting some illness for some reason. Um I guess one thing for sure it can't be avoided somehow but I usually won't think about the illness too much and act as nothing had happen. Since at home, it would be easier for me to ask my parents what kind of medication do I need for my illness. Um as far as I can see, I'm still able to move around and do some chores too. But its quite lucky for me that I would not have to do much work outside the house due to the rain. I guess this always happens to me and my elder bother when we come home. I can say its a coincidence though.
Um I wish that the time give for the break would be much more longer but I guess that long break would have to be suspended for the time being but I'm alright with it. I hope that after all my studies are done and all, I would really want to spend a lot of time with my friends and family as well.
Um I wish that the time give for the break would be much more longer but I guess that long break would have to be suspended for the time being but I'm alright with it. I hope that after all my studies are done and all, I would really want to spend a lot of time with my friends and family as well.
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