Friday, May 29, 2009

May Light Lead All to Hope

Um looks like I've been starting on a brand new semester ahead of me. Um and like usual I suppose we are going to study like the usual thing all of us had been doing. But one thing I really hope that it would be a new light with all my friends in this new semester. Um now it's been the first week of commencing of the classes though. Um, even though I did not attend two of the class in two days with a reason... I suppose. Some of the days is a bit busy for me and some of my friends since we are deciding to either add a subject and drop some other subject, which kinda lead to going multiple times though but I guess its worth our time.

"Um I suppose we all will go through hardships but cheer and I'm sure we all can do it"

Um although there are a couple of subjects that seems to be really hard for some reason, I suppose if we put out minds into it, we can manage it if we put our minds into it. Yup the class seems to be interesting to listen to and now I even have to attend a night class as well. Um I suppose that would be the first in two years for me or even my friend to have night classes together. I really hope that on this semester I would really be enjoying myself either in class or even to my friends that had been beside me for a long time. Well hope it would be a light and fluffy time to all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the new brand sem~
I'll cheer for you, sano san