Saturday, December 19, 2009

Birthday Wishes.

Um looks like I finally passed my 19 years old of life and welcome to my new age, 20 years old. I guess time passes on really fast as far as I could see though but I guess I'm okay with it. I'm quite happy that there are quite a lot of my friends and family wishes me for it though, there's a sad part about it but I guess I'll pass it on anyway I suppose. For the ones who had wished me Happy Birthday, thank you and I'm really happy for it.

Come to think of it, guess I did get some present from my Astro Empire friends as well. There are some that is a little embarrassing for me to keep it but I guess it's a memory for me to put it up I suppose so here it is:

From Denra:
Here's a little present

From Kingy:
Happy Birthday Nagisa!! May the next year bring you more happiness and fun. (And maybe pew-pweing)
( Sorry mine doesn't look all fancy, but I'm not good at bbcode and am also on my phone XD )

From Yggdrasil:
Happy Birthday Nagisa...Muak...

From Assimilator:
Happy Birthdaaay~! Nagisaaa~!
*kissu* ^.^

From Havouc:
Happy B-Day NAGISA!!!

Got you a little something special to add to your fleet....

From Jmanpxl:
Happy birthday nagisa :D

From AIR:
Hi i'm back for a while
and happy birthday Nagisa

From Flaming Fox:
Finally 10 mill fleet :) and happy bday nagisa!

From Blue Bunny:
Happy Birthday Nag :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

May Light Lead All to Hope

Um looks like I've been starting on a brand new semester ahead of me. Um and like usual I suppose we are going to study like the usual thing all of us had been doing. But one thing I really hope that it would be a new light with all my friends in this new semester. Um now it's been the first week of commencing of the classes though. Um, even though I did not attend two of the class in two days with a reason... I suppose. Some of the days is a bit busy for me and some of my friends since we are deciding to either add a subject and drop some other subject, which kinda lead to going multiple times though but I guess its worth our time.

"Um I suppose we all will go through hardships but cheer and I'm sure we all can do it"

Um although there are a couple of subjects that seems to be really hard for some reason, I suppose if we put out minds into it, we can manage it if we put our minds into it. Yup the class seems to be interesting to listen to and now I even have to attend a night class as well. Um I suppose that would be the first in two years for me or even my friend to have night classes together. I really hope that on this semester I would really be enjoying myself either in class or even to my friends that had been beside me for a long time. Well hope it would be a light and fluffy time to all of us.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Time Of Peace

Um I guess I might as well write something this time before I go to bed. Yup it's been quite a while though but I'm having a nice time with the holiday after the examination. There is a lot of things that had happen though. Although time passes by really fast but it was nice to go home and enjoy my holiday with my family. I finally manage to get a better rest at home since there is a comfortable place for me to lie down as well ( And also sometimes would lead to sleeping too much as well. )

"Um hello, may I take your order?"

Yup back home, and since we don't have any maid to help us around, the three of the children ( Which includes me as well ) have to become like a maid. Although I'm not really against it or anything but its quite nice to do some chores around the house sometimes. It takes our mind of some and enjoy the air outside the house once in a while. Hanging the clothes, wash the dishes, water the plants and some other work that we can do at home.

"I'm going to be just fine...Don't worry about it..."

Um and I guess when I come back to my hometown, I would be getting some illness for some reason. Um I guess one thing for sure it can't be avoided somehow but I usually won't think about the illness too much and act as nothing had happen. Since at home, it would be easier for me to ask my parents what kind of medication do I need for my illness. Um as far as I can see, I'm still able to move around and do some chores too. But its quite lucky for me that I would not have to do much work outside the house due to the rain. I guess this always happens to me and my elder bother when we come home. I can say its a coincidence though.

Um I wish that the time give for the break would be much more longer but I guess that long break would have to be suspended for the time being but I'm alright with it. I hope that after all my studies are done and all, I would really want to spend a lot of time with my friends and family as well.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Lost of A Friend

Um hello there. Um I guess its been quite a long time that I haven't been updating my blog. Um sumimasen, guess I have a lot of things that have been going on lately. Yup one of them was a lost of one of my friend though. Um the person did not passed away or anything. Its just that she just left me and a couple of my friends without any reason at all. We still kept wondering about it though but for some reason all hope was lost because we really have lost contact with her.

Before it was not really like this though but after she moved out from her parent's house, she somehow became "wild" and "untamed" because there wasn't anybody to controlled her at that time. There is one time when me and two of my friends saw her with some guy. I don't mind that at all but one thing that really mind is the guy place his hand at her waist. Um that is the first time I ever saw her allowing a man touched her like that. Even my friend was speechless to say about it at all. And on that day, I did not see her at all until the last time I saw her when she came to one of my class. She did not even say any word to any of her friends at all, which is quite disappointing to me to see her being like that.

I've been wondering on what she is doing at her new home so I ended up asking my friend that is living with her. Even her new housemates did not like her at all. A couple of reason is because that she did not even open her mouth to say any word to them at all. She just come and go without a word. They were not satisfied on how she treated them like they weren't there at all. The other one, I guess I have to keep it as a secret for now. So if anyone wonders about it, feel free to asked me about it.

Yup she did not appear in class at all, make her housemates hate her and also disappoint her own friends and her own mother. Her mother was worried sick about her and she seem to not care about it at all. She even used me in her lie saying that I did not show up in Friday classes. To tell the truth, I don't have any classes on Friday except for the lecturer to make it as an extra class. On that time I was pretty upset about it when her mother told me about it. I did not expect for her to say it like that since we have been friends for almost a year and a half now.

The hope that me and my friends have in her became lost as we finally realized that she were only fooling around with some guy and not telling about anything at all. We realized it when she posted a link at Youtube. She seems to be enjoying herself with that man while her friends were having a lot of headache with the assignments, presentation and the forum assignments. On that time, I feel like I would not want to believe on what she wants to say anymore. Even my friends seems to gave up hope on her becoming a person that we know again. Oh well, I guess caring about it would be such a waste of time. I better take care of my friends who do really value friendship.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Drama in Class

Konichiwa, its been a while that I didn't wrote anything in here. Guess I was a bit busy myself lately somehow. Um, come to think of it I need to update my stories too since it has been postponed for quite a while now.

Um anyway, for this time I'll be talking about the drama in class that I have with a couple of my other friends. It was quite fun actually. I'm not sure if we did make everyone laugh a that time but we did enjoy ourselves. To tell the truth I was nervous myself that time and I did make a mistake or two though. We didn't use any script at all either. For me, reading the script would make me more nervous since I need to remember all of it. For our part, we don't use any of them, if there is anything that crosses our minds, we just give it all out.

"Um...Well...You see.."

In the end, we do enjoy it pretty well. Although we did not manage to take the video out of it but it was a happiest day that I would ever had. I wish that there was more to make from it someday.