Saturday, December 19, 2009

Birthday Wishes.

Um looks like I finally passed my 19 years old of life and welcome to my new age, 20 years old. I guess time passes on really fast as far as I could see though but I guess I'm okay with it. I'm quite happy that there are quite a lot of my friends and family wishes me for it though, there's a sad part about it but I guess I'll pass it on anyway I suppose. For the ones who had wished me Happy Birthday, thank you and I'm really happy for it.

Come to think of it, guess I did get some present from my Astro Empire friends as well. There are some that is a little embarrassing for me to keep it but I guess it's a memory for me to put it up I suppose so here it is:

From Denra:
Here's a little present

From Kingy:
Happy Birthday Nagisa!! May the next year bring you more happiness and fun. (And maybe pew-pweing)
( Sorry mine doesn't look all fancy, but I'm not good at bbcode and am also on my phone XD )

From Yggdrasil:
Happy Birthday Nagisa...Muak...

From Assimilator:
Happy Birthdaaay~! Nagisaaa~!
*kissu* ^.^

From Havouc:
Happy B-Day NAGISA!!!

Got you a little something special to add to your fleet....

From Jmanpxl:
Happy birthday nagisa :D

From AIR:
Hi i'm back for a while
and happy birthday Nagisa

From Flaming Fox:
Finally 10 mill fleet :) and happy bday nagisa!

From Blue Bunny:
Happy Birthday Nag :)