Friday, January 23, 2009

A Drama in Class

Konichiwa, its been a while that I didn't wrote anything in here. Guess I was a bit busy myself lately somehow. Um, come to think of it I need to update my stories too since it has been postponed for quite a while now.

Um anyway, for this time I'll be talking about the drama in class that I have with a couple of my other friends. It was quite fun actually. I'm not sure if we did make everyone laugh a that time but we did enjoy ourselves. To tell the truth I was nervous myself that time and I did make a mistake or two though. We didn't use any script at all either. For me, reading the script would make me more nervous since I need to remember all of it. For our part, we don't use any of them, if there is anything that crosses our minds, we just give it all out.

"Um...Well...You see.."

In the end, we do enjoy it pretty well. Although we did not manage to take the video out of it but it was a happiest day that I would ever had. I wish that there was more to make from it someday.