Friday, November 14, 2008

Why some people is like this...

I'm not sure what I can say anymore about the place I'm staying at the moment. These people I'm staying is just either plain selfish or just plain idiotic. Sorry if I use these kinds of words but it really gives me a headache right now. It's not like I want to say it on purpose either. Anyway... This week is my examination too and I really wish that I would have a peaceful time for myself without hearing or getting disturb but seriously, it didn't happen at all, thanks to them that is.

Even when I want to listen to my own music they would disturb me. I'm in my own room so stop bugging me about it! Even I didn't tell you guys to turn down the sound when I was going to sleep. That happen for quite some time though. I mean, they open their songs is much more worse when it come to loudness but still they ignore the person inside the tiny room over there. It's a hall for goodness sake! I don't even think my laptop would have that kind of volume on that time too. Because I was too kind to let them slip trough and the other reason is because they already are big enough to know about it. But they don't and I could not consider them as an intellectual beings on Earth at all.

"Guess I really can't have much sleep as usual..."

Not to mention that even before I've still didn't complain much on what happen to all my food they've been eating. I think even children would understand if they are been teach proper manners. To tell, they just love to munch anything that is consider things to them. If money does grows on tress, I would not have to worry much about but it didn't right? It comes from my parents money itself. For me they could eat if they wanted to but could they at least asked about it before munching all the way right? I wonder why they didn't know proper manners when it comes to other people properties. How civilized people are these days...

"E-Eh? Where all my food gone to?"

If I'm another kind of person that loves to bring up old stories, then I really would it to them too. Well there's one reason why my bank money would disappear really fast last year and that would be a payment of the internet bill. Once there's only around 2 people who is willing to pay for the first time of the internet bill which is me and my other roommate that already left the place. The first payment was from my own bank money with is cost around RM 300+ but I did pay for them. And I continue to pay them for around 3-4 months. But did anyone at home realized it? Nope they don't because they think everything for them is free. They did pay for it but it takes around 3-4 months to collect for how much? One month payment. They big enough to take the responsibility but I guess I was wrong enough to see that do I.

Um... I really wish there would be someone who has the same interest as me at the house but I guess I need to wait a little longer do I. Its not like I really have a lot of choice at the moment. I really hope I would not get stuck with them for too long or it would be really bad for me or even my health.

1 comment:

Emeric Hing said...
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